100 Stores, 100 Stories

Founded 2,013
Passion Lilie
Job Skills & Training
Poverty Alleviation
Abuse Survivors
Ethnic Minorities
Women & Girls
Arts & Culture
Economic Development
Racial Justice & Equity
Fair Trade
Eco-friendly Products
Zero Waste
Charity Supporting
At Passion Lilie, we believe in making things the right way. We care deeply about doing our part to build a more sustainable world, one built on honesty and respect.
The Passion Lilie Impact Story
My mission in life is to improve the world I live in, and because of my love for design, I have chosen to do this through fashion. I want to acknowledge that this is a small step toward tackling the larger challenges we face as a global society, but I believe that by supporting the work of leaders within the communities I collaborate in, I can do my part in helping build a more equitable future, where everyone is treated with respect. We are by no means perfect, but we hope to keep learning, growing, and evolving as a business.
Listen to Passion Lilie Interview
Advice for New founders
"An important lesson that I learned is that sustainability is a continual journal and that sustainability should be looked at as a holistic approach to the way the entire business is run. If you are not adapting, growing and changing every year, then there is no way to reach sustainability."
Katie Schmidt
Founder of Passion Lilie
Why Does Passion Lilie Use GoodCarts?
I love that Good Carts has so much great information, tip, blogs and educational resources for running a social impact businesses.
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