Export Promotion for DTC Brands

Governments around the world are partnering with the Amazon Go Global initiatives to in particular help their nation’s direct to consumer brands break into the United States and Canadian market.

That’s great. But all your eggs are in one basket.

Unfortunately, none of your Made in Your Country brands will have direct access to North American customers – they are 100% Amazon’s customers and profit margins on Amazon are shrinking.

For a balanced approach, your export agency should promote DTC export sales for your nation’s brands as well.

GoodCarts is excited to offer dedicated circles for DTC brands with Made in Your Country products.

The twist is that only customers in the United States and Canada would be invited post-checkout to discover other Made in Your Country brands.

(That is unless each brand wants to “grow together” with other Made in Your Country brands domestically as part of our Made Local, Buy Local model as well. That’s a 2 for 1 win.)

Contact us for details.

See our slides, this video, or How GoodCarts Works for more on our base model.

P.S. We’d love to help US brands break into other countries as well to help balance out this effort as well.