Made in the USA Circle

More sales.  More America.

Made in the USA

Get new customers for free. Post-checkout cross-promotion that works.

Powered by digital discounts that promote your Made in the USA ecommerce brand.

Install our free Shopify app and select our “Made in USA” circle of stores.

Find GoodCarts on Shopify!

Free | Easy setup | No credit card required | Other platforms – Contact us | Other “good” circles

GoodCarts Sample Coupons USA
Sample Discounts - Join awesome Made in the USA brands.

Boost your sales—without the headaches

We’ll automatically share your offer with customers from our community of stores and brands, attracting new customers seeking products made in America and boosting your sales for free.

First you build your special discount offer using our intuitive interface. Then … it just works!

Check out our video demo (video was created using the Sustainable/Shop-for-Good circle).

Launch in minutes

Create your first offer and start reaching new customers in minutes, not days.

Customize to match your brand

Match your brand with a custom feature image, your logo, and offer text.

Simply Create Your Coupon via GoodCarts Shopify App and You Are Done.
Simply create your coupon via the GoodCarts Shopify App and you are done. Step 3 is optional!

Make your best offer

Customize the value of your offer and when it expires. Your discount codes remain safe from public distribution.

Maximize your ROI

Our exclusive digital coupons help you reach new customers 100x cheaper than expensive and unpredictable ads – because it’s 100% free for Made in the USA retailers.

Reward your best customers

Give your customers the checkout experience they deserve with a custom invitation to view exclusive discounts from other Made in the USA brands within our network.

Thank You Banner Example

A modest “Thank You” invite is embedded directly in the purchase confirmation page. You control the button text and colors and thank you message.

This is our smart “digital coupons on the back of the receipt” experience.

Zero risk, Zero cost

You control which stores are shown, so you’ll never accidentally promote your competition.

GoodCarts Made in the USA is currently free. Future paid services and bonus traffic options will be offered. No fees will be charged without your future authorization.

New Customers via GoodCarts

Effortless setup

No need to make any changes to your theme. We add the invite to post-checkout offers to your store automatically with our Shopify app. With other ecommerce platforms, we have simple integration guides and provide help if needed.

Elevate your impact

GoodCarts is the only cross-promotion platform for Made is the USA ecommerce brands. Join our unique community business owners and independent merchants working together to make a difference for people, communities and the economy across the United States.

Zero obligation

No contracts, fees or lock-in periods. You’re free to come and go as you please.

Attract your ideal customers

Get a regular flow of new Made in the USA-loving customers to your store and start growing sales.

Example Coupon Editing via GoodCarts Shopify App Dashboard
Example coupon editing via GoodCarts Shopify App Dashboard.

Grow together

Work together with Made in the USA brands to scale our economic impact and make a difference.

Request live demo

We love connecting live for Q and A. We’ll share insights on how to win together with GoodCarts. Grab a time.

Grow your store—and your impact

Click below to join GoodCarts via our Shopify app or join with other ecommerce platforms.