Conscious Consumerism: Top 15 Blogs and Niche News Sources

Top 15 Blogs and Niche News Sources Popular with Conscious Consumers

How serious are you about your impact on the planet—and the people who support your way of life? 

Your answer lies in your willingness to stay informed, and the sources from which you get your information. We’ve gathered our favorite sustainable sources that provide relevant, authentic, and impactful information—to ensure you have what you need to be part of conscious consumerism. 

From blogs that highlight the voices of the most marginalized communities, and no-nonsense news from around the world, to fashion magazines that provide ratings of your favorite brands, you will find a resource that delivers the knowledge you need, in a way you’ll love. 

1. Eco Warrior Princess 

Their no-nonsense approach to speaking on topics that matter make Eco Warrior Princess one of our favorite sources for up-to-date information. 

Founded in 2010 by Jennifer Nini, a writer, activist and certified organic farm owner, they cover — environmental issues, conservation, sustainable fashion, conscious business, social justice, politics, feminism, eco beauty, wellness, green technology — in an analytical, intelligent and honest way. 

They are on a mission to dismantle ethical elitism, and provide relevant information on topics that matter most. 

2. Treehugger

Looking for a reputable news source with decades of sustainable content? Founded in 2004, Treehugger is the world’s largest information site dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream. 

Check out their site and you’ll find advice, clarity, and inspiration for both the eco-savvy and the green living novice. They have been featured in TIME magazine and were ranked by Nielsen Online as the number one sustainability blog. 

With a team of international experts and a proven commitment to integrity and quality, they are a solid choice when it comes to informational resources on sustainability.  

3. Good Trade

The Good Trade is all about sustainability, slow living, and self-love. On their main site, you could find information on topics ranging from online thrift stores and sexuality to organic baby clothing and sustainable engagement rings. 

Our favorite feature, however, is their 30-second daily newsletter called “The Daily Good.” It comprises a bite-sized dose of uplifting articles, sustainable recipes, and soothing playlists to begin your day—in a healthy and sustainable way. 

4. Earth 911

This is where you go for simple solutions. Earth 911 is about informing you on how to make sustainable changes, and why it matters. They provide DIY tips on home improvements, home and garden, recycling, and ecotech—in ways that help you make a big impact with just a few small steps. 

Don’t have time to sit and read? Their Earth 911 Podcast has you covered! Whether you’re driving to and from the office, or listening while completing your next task, you can stay up-to-date on sustainable news and learn more effective ways for minimizing your carbon footprint. 

5. Good On You 

How ethical and sustainable is your fashion sense? Good on You will tell you. 

They acknowledge the global fashion industry’s negative environmental impact, and human and animal rights—and are doing something about it. Their site provides you with information on brands you love, and some you’ll learn to love, so that you make informed decisions that are both trendy and environmentally friendly.   

Need information on a particular brand? Good On You’s rating feature allows you to look up specific brands from their database, and learn how sustainable they truly are. Now, that is information at your fingertips! 

6. Our Good Brands

Our Good Brands is all about spreading the word. 

While still providing the latest sustainable news and DIY solutions, they help to support small and medium-sized brands that are looking to make a big impact. 

They provide marketing support to give sustainable business a larger presence online—understanding the larger impact sustainable businesses can make when working together. Whether you’re looking for ethical jewelry, eco-friendly gifts for the yogis in your life, an entertaining podcast that also informs, the latest sustainable products, or a solid platform for growing your own impact-driven business, Our Good Brands is the place to be. 

7. Fair Trade Federation

Fair Trade Federation is a hub of equitable and sustainable trading partnerships throughout the United States and Canada. Their  mission is to grow a global movement that values the health of the planet—and the labor, dignity, and equality of all people. 

This is where you learn the true meaning of “fair trade,” join the movement, find other fair trade businesses, and stay up-to-date on upcoming events and conferences. 

8. Fashion Revolution

Activism may be fashion’s most essential accessory—and Fashion Revolution wears it proudly. 

As the largest fashion activism movement, they comprise designers, academics, business leaders, policymakers, brands, retailers, and marketers with a shared mission to end human and environmental exploitation. 

Their blog is the perfect place to find  inspiring stories, education on environmental issues, and tips for making conscious and sustainable fashion choices for a greater environmental impact. 

9. Causeartist

Causeartist is defined as “using talents and skills to impact the world.” Read in over 200 countries, they are doing just that. 

With their CEO spotlights and highlights on creative brands, startups, and entrepreneurs impacting the world, Causeartist is a valuable resource for those looking to grow in the world of social enterprise and social impact.  

10. Green Matters

Green Matters is a clean and organized space for getting the latest on sustainable news, community, parenting, travel, consumer behavior and more. 

They believe that small actions collectively lead to big, positive changes for the planet and future generations. Clean is not only their mission, but the style in which they deliver their news. 

If you want an organized hub of news that matters, check out their site! 

Or follow them on social media. 

11. Pebble Mag

Who doesn’t love a magazine with a sustainable mission? 

From ethical fashion advice and summer cocktail recipes, to your next vacation spot that pleases both the planet and your emotional wellbeing, UK-based Pebble Mag is a fun, informative, and valuable resource to balance your desire for sustainability and leisure. 

12. Melanin & Sustainable Style

If you’re looking for a more colorful, sustainable resource…bookmark this. 

Melanin & Sustainable Style is all about highlighting identities of color in the issues of sustainable fashion, beauty, living, and land justice. If you want to hear from the communities that are often muted on larger platforms, some of whom promote equity and social justice on the surface, this is the place to be.  

13. EcoCult 

EcoCult is on a mission to provide you with a science-based view into the international sustainable fashion industry. 

They are truth seekers, and keep the information they post on their website up-to-date so that you stay informed in the fast-changing world of sustainable fashion, and prepared to be a conscious consumer, activist, and professional. 

14. Eluxe Magazine

Eluxe is luxury and sustainability in an easy-to-read format—with fun interviews from celebrities who are making environmentally conscious choices. 

Eluxe Magazine reads like entertainment, but provides in-depth knowledge and tips to ensure you’re a more ethical and sustainable consumer. From ethical jean trends to vegan shoes, you’ll find fun fashion advice and delicious recipes that positively impact your life, and the planet. 

15. Eco-Stylist

What began as a way to bring men into the conversation of sustainable fashion has evolved into a hub of styling advice and brand transparency—so you can compliment both your look and the health of the planet. 

Eco-Stylist allows you to find the brands you love and determine whether they’re sensitivity to the planet is enough to garner your support and investment.

If you want to look good at the benefit of the world and people around you, check them out!

Want to catch the fresh vibe about making an impact via retail? We follow all these blogs and hundreds more so we can highlight the best stuff.

Subscribe to our Impact Retail Newsletter to stay up-to-date. 

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